tackling tantrums

2-hour Intensive Seminar

For parents/caregivers of children ages 1 to 6 years.

Early childhood is a time of rapid growth, learning, and new skills, and a time of big emotions and challenging behaviors. It can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be!

  • Why does my kid “lose it” at the drop of a hat?
  • How do I get them out the door in the morning?
  • Can we please go to the doctor without a tantrum?
  • Will bedtime ever be a smooth transition?

If you want to tackle these questions and more, this seminar is for you. 

You will learn my top practical and proven strategies to face ANY challenge. The seminar will also include tools to prevent challenging behavior in order to make your life as a parent easier and to build a respectful, happy, and peaceful relationship with your mighty little one.

Please join me (along with other parents of young children) for this 2-hour virtual seminar.

Classes will be conducted virtually. Maximum of 10 people per class.



Price includes yourself plus (optionally) one partner.

Interested in attending a seminar?

Please contact me to schedule. Thank you!

Tantrum help